Contact Us

Dear Customers:

Feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries or needs at our email:

We are delighted that you have chosen our custom nail wear service! To ensure a pleasant and hassle-free customization experience, here are some key steps and details to help you smoothly complete your order.

Customization Process:

  1. Action Within 24 Hours After Order Placement: Orders are shipped within 1-3 business days after placing the order.
  2. Customization Details: Along with your order number, inform us about your desired color, size, and shape for the nail wear.
  3. Default Choice: If you do not specify a shape within 24 hours, we will default to the “Coffin ” style for your custom nails.

Return Policy:

  • Custom Sizes: Custom-made products tailored to individual sizes and preferences cannot be returned.
  • Standard Sizes Return/Exchange: We support returns or exchanges within 7 days for standard sizes (S, M, L,XL), provided that the product is unused and does not affect secondary sales.

We are committed to providing the best customer service and high-quality products. Should you have any questions or need assistance during the customization process, please do not hesitate to contact us through the above email. We look forward to crafting unique nail wear that adds sparkle to your everyday life!

Thank you for your trust and support!

Sincerely, [YM Nail Art] Team
